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Kresage, Ann (Book artist)


biographical statement

Ann Kresge is an internationally exhibited artist whose works are in university, museum and private collections. She works in a range of media and has a specialty in printmaking and book arts.

Kresge was born in Wisconsin, has lived in Europe and NY and is currently a resident of Salem, Oregon. She has a BA in Studio Art from Smith College and an MFA in Printmaking and Graphic Design from Pratt Institute.

Her interests lie in expressing a sense of place through symbol, color and texture. Her artists’ books include flyable pages and an interactive shadow puppet theater. Her interart work involves installations, video, stage sets and collaborations with improvisational musicians, poets and dancers. The collaborations have been exhibited and performed in the US, Japan, Mexico, Europe and China.

Kresge’s work is included in the following collections: The National Museum of Women In The Arts, Washington DC, The Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Yale University, Vassar College, New York Public Library, US Library of Congress, and the Art Institute of Chicago.

She has been an Artist-In-Residence at Mac Dowell Colony (NH) , Artlife Latinoamericano (Mexico City), Atelier 17 (Paris) Women’s Studio Workshop (NY), a Library Fellow at National Museum of Women In the Arts (Washington DC) and a Teaching Artist at Sitka Center (OR).

Citation: March 29, 2013 FT